In response to COVID-19 I am utilizing online and phone sessions. I am also co-leading an integrative group to include meditation/movement.

Lara Wrigley & Mark Napolitano

I have recently merged my practice with Mark Napolitano, LCPC

Lara Wrigley, Psy.D & Mark Napolitano, LCPC

It’s a unique situation for a husband and wife to share office space as well as a common theoretical framework that pulls from attachment, neurobiology and mindfulness based practices. This creates a unique opportunity for collaboration. For example, we are able work together with couples and families who would benefit from individual as well as couples counseling; Mark specializing in couples, while I work with individuals. Working in this way can allow people to move through issues more quickly. Fees may be adjusted to accommodate the cost of two therapies.

You can learn more about Mark at